Better behavior without punishment is possible. It takes commitment, connection and a focus on cooperation. Children naturally follow the guidance of those they trust. Children also want to learn and grow, especially when they feel connected to you. The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to… Continue Reading

What You Can Do To Raise Responsible Children

What You Can Do To Raise Responsible Children

These little choices now, like what shirt to wear, what color shoes to buy, when to share with a friend are all opportunities that will help build confidence for when those bigger choices come around! Try to keep realistic expectations, support the falls by providing the space in which the kids can find, make & create solutions, remember to encourage and keep boundaries so they can succeed!

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

Children often enjoy doing household tasks because it gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of capability. Yet, many families feel that chores lead to power struggles and are a hassle to deal with. The problem with chores very often has to do with how we parents approach the whole idea of chores…

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

For me, Attachment Parenting is simply this; treat your kids how you want them to grow up and treat you and others in their lives. Is this type of parenting easy? NO! Is this hard in the face of the predictable intense and challenging moments of parenting? Yes!
But parenting isn’t for sissies, it’s hard, but our kids are worth our efforts.

How to Help Your Child With After School Meltdowns

How to Help Your Child With After School Meltdowns

After school meltdowns are quite common for children from preschool to middle school. Here is what you need to know to handle these after school meltdowns and help your child feel better again. Children can experience quite the emotional ups and downs while away from you.  Maybe a  classmate didn’t want to share a toy,  an…

Positive Parenting Tools: Time In vs. Time Out

Positive Parenting Tools: Time In vs. Time Out

Most parents that use time out do so with good intentions and sometimes, a time out can give parents and children a chance to take a break from each other to cool off. However, non punitive parenting tools such as Time In are really effective in helping children develop life long skills such as regulating emotions and making decisions. It’s a mistaken but deeply ingrained notion that children need to feel bad about their behavior in order to change it. Learn more about time in and time out.

3 Examples of Positive Parenting in Practice

3 Examples of Positive Parenting in Practice

Positive Parenting tools can help you prevent power struggles and encourage your child to be cooperative. Do you like the idea of positive parenting but not sure how to put into practice in every day interactions? Here are some positive parenting examples: Like  most families, in my home there are moments that are challenging. Sometimes…

How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

When done well, brainstorming can create an atmosphere of cooperation in your home. It teaches kids to think critically about problems, consider the thoughts and feelings of others, and to explore a variety of solutions. Even at a young age, kids can create fantastic solutions to everyday problems and challenges if we give them the…

Helping Your Toddler Self Regulate and Learn to Manage Anger and Aggression

Helping Your Toddler Self Regulate and Learn to Manage Anger and Aggression

Inside: Understand the feelings behind aggressive behaviors and help your toddler manage big meltdowns and fits of anger. On a sunny, beautiful morning, Mariah was on the floor, in a pile of tears. Her little hands stretched wide reaching desperately for Jenny. More accurately, reaching for the apple and egg in Jenny’s hands. Because for…

How to Discipline Through Connection Using Your Child’s Love Language

How to Discipline Through Connection Using Your Child’s Love Language

My arms were still sore from scrubbing the dark streaks of marker my toddler had happily scribbled, off our porous pine dining table. I turned toward my oldest daughter. “I just told you not to leave your special (read; nonwashable) markers out where your little brother can reach them!” Had I been talking to a…

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

How To Discipline Your Baby In A Positive Way Responding positively to your baby teaches him to trust you and your guidance. While babies are growing they may do certain things, like spitting, hitting or kicking when upset, throwing food down from a high chair or taking a toy away from a playmate. These behaviors…

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