Better behavior without punishment is possible. It takes commitment, connection and a focus on cooperation. Children naturally follow the guidance of those they trust. Children also want to learn and grow, especially when they feel connected to you. The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to… Continue Reading

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman In this Parents S.H.A.R.E. post, our positive parenting community is sharing how they have used play as a parenting tool when faced with a variety of challenges during the morning and evening routines, from races to singing silly songs here are many fun ideas!!

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Discipline for Children: Three effective ways to stay patient and talk so your child will listen and cooperate. Discipline for children is most effective when it’s aimed at creating cooperation and a sense of trust and respect. When parents focus on using discipline strategies that are respectful and positive, children thrive and grow well. One…

Enabling Children To Express All Of Their Emotions.

Enabling Children To Express All Of Their Emotions.

In an attempt to prevent a scene, parents use all the tricks to coerce their child in to following their instructions. They bribe and barter, they punish and threaten, or perhaps they simply whisper quietly and tell them “You’re okay,there’s no need to cry.” Sometimes these tricks work, though often what materialises is an even bigger outburst, either there and then, or saved up ready to be released in an explosion at a later time.

How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

When done well, brainstorming can create an atmosphere of cooperation in your home. It teaches kids to think critically about problems, consider the thoughts and feelings of others, and to explore a variety of solutions. Even at a young age, kids can create fantastic solutions to everyday problems and challenges if we give them the…

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

These Six Positive Parenting strategies can help you respond to your child when they are behaving in defiant, disrespectful or unhelpful ways. Children often act out when they are lost, fearful and in need of guidance. A child that is being defiant needs to reconnect with you and find his way back to calm. And until…

3 Examples of Positive Parenting in Practice

3 Examples of Positive Parenting in Practice

Positive Parenting tools can help you prevent power struggles and encourage your child to be cooperative. Do you like the idea of positive parenting but not sure how to put into practice in every day interactions? Here are some positive parenting examples: Like  most families, in my home there are moments that are challenging. Sometimes…

How to Discipline Through Connection Using Your Child’s Love Language

How to Discipline Through Connection Using Your Child’s Love Language

My arms were still sore from scrubbing the dark streaks of marker my toddler had happily scribbled, off our porous pine dining table. I turned toward my oldest daughter. “I just told you not to leave your special (read; nonwashable) markers out where your little brother can reach them!” Had I been talking to a…

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

For me, Attachment Parenting is simply this; treat your kids how you want them to grow up and treat you and others in their lives. Is this type of parenting easy? NO! Is this hard in the face of the predictable intense and challenging moments of parenting? Yes!
But parenting isn’t for sissies, it’s hard, but our kids are worth our efforts.

What To Do When Your Discipline Strategy Stops Working

What To Do When Your Discipline Strategy Stops Working

I’ve tried it all! I’ve done gold star rewards. I have tried fun prizes as bribes. We’ve done fun fuzzy pom-pom jars. And lots of yelling. Begging. Taking away screens, sweets and toys. Everything works for about two days. if I’m lucky a week.  And then we are back to square one. I’m tired. And my kids…

Time Out vs. Time In: What’s the difference?

Time Out vs. Time In: What’s the difference?

What is the difference between a time out and time in? Is one better than the other? Sometimes positive discipline tools can seem similar to the traditional discipline tactics. Often people say it’s just semantics.  What sets the positive tools apart from punitive discipline is not only the way in which they are presented to…

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