Better behavior without punishment is possible. It takes commitment, connection and a focus on cooperation. Children naturally follow the guidance of those they trust. Children also want to learn and grow, especially when they feel connected to you. The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to… Continue Reading

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

Children often enjoy doing household tasks because it gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of capability. Yet, many families feel that chores lead to power struggles and are a hassle to deal with. The problem with chores very often has to do with how we parents approach the whole idea of chores…

Help Siblings Get Along With These Five Positive Parenting Tools

Help Siblings Get Along With These Five Positive Parenting Tools

Inside: Five Positive Tools for Helping Siblings Solve Conflicts and Get Along The following is adapted from Rebecca’s new book, The Positive Parenting Workbook. This inspiring and inviting guide walks readers through the process of charting a new path toward greater emotional awareness, clear communication, and joyful parenting! Filled with encouraging prompts and plenty of…

Positive Parenting Tools: Time In vs. Time Out

Positive Parenting Tools: Time In vs. Time Out

Most parents that use time out do so with good intentions and sometimes, a time out can give parents and children a chance to take a break from each other to cool off. However, non punitive parenting tools such as Time In are really effective in helping children develop life long skills such as regulating emotions and making decisions. It’s a mistaken but deeply ingrained notion that children need to feel bad about their behavior in order to change it. Learn more about time in and time out.

Positive Discipline for Attention Seeking Behaviors

Positive Discipline for Attention Seeking Behaviors

You’re feeling annoyed. Your child keeps bothering you with the same behavior. “Stop!” you huff for the tenth time, but it happens again. Why can’t my child just listen to me, you think. You’re confused as to the reason your child would continue to do something over and over again when you’ve made it clear that…

Three Alternatives to Punishment That Help Your Child Do Better

Three Alternatives to Punishment That Help Your Child Do Better

Inside: Discover alternatives to punishment that help your child do better when they are misbehaving. When children are misbehaving, like using back talk, hitting a sibling or refusing to go to bed it might feel challenging to address the situation without resorting to punishments like time out, yelling or grounding. Children benefit from discipline and…

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

These Six Positive Parenting strategies can help you respond to your child when they are behaving in defiant, disrespectful or unhelpful ways. Children often act out when they are lost, fearful and in need of guidance. A child that is being defiant needs to reconnect with you and find his way back to calm. And until…

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Changing misbehavior with consequences doesn’t always lead to good behavior. Learn about positive discipline and how it helps children learn life skills and behave well. Late in the afternoon, on the way home from school, my son took hold of my hand and started talking softly. He spoke so quietly, I could tell something unusual…

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

How to discipline your child without punishments. Helping children behave better and learn from their mistakes with positive discipline is very effective. Learn how to change your child’s behavior without using punishments, yelling or bribes.  When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous.Just a moment unsupervised and something was…

Time Out vs. Time In: What’s the difference?

Time Out vs. Time In: What’s the difference?

What is the difference between a time out and time in? Is one better than the other? Sometimes positive discipline tools can seem similar to the traditional discipline tactics. Often people say it’s just semantics.  What sets the positive tools apart from punitive discipline is not only the way in which they are presented to…

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Sheltering in place can create behavior changes for the whole family. Here you can find information on what you can expect and how you can respond to these behaviors in a helpful and positive way. Quick guide on setting limits included below. With the ongoing pandemic, we are living through very are uncertain times. Routine…

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