Author Archives: Ariadne Brill

Books & Play: Enhancing Reading Comprehension In a Fun Way.

Books & Play: Enhancing Reading Comprehension In a Fun Way.

Welcome to the March Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival: Discovering through Books This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival hosted by The Positive Parenting Connection and Authentic Parenting. This month our participants have investigated what role books have played in their lives. Please read to the end to find a… Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

  It’s Sunday! This week I’m sharing on Bilingualism, Circumcision and Acting Out. This is a very powerful story here from a young man and not having been give the choice over his circumcision. Beyond the Bris: Me But Not My Son: A Young Jewish Man Breaks Rank on Circumcision “No matter what, I can’t cut my kids.… Continue Reading

NO Diapers, Bottles,Cribs,Strollers or Daycare. Five Assumptions About Attachment Parenting Debunked.

NO Diapers, Bottles,Cribs,Strollers or Daycare. Five Assumptions About Attachment Parenting Debunked.

Recently a few news segments, blogs and articles have reported on Attachment Parenting, making it seem a little bit…out there. “A new age way of parenting with no diapers, no cribs, no strollers, no daycare and no bottles” was how one news show summarized it. Now, I have been parenting three children based on the… Continue Reading

Grand Plans for Motherhood…Slammed and Revised

Grand Plans for Motherhood…Slammed and Revised

Like any first time mom I had grand plans about how I was going to welcome my child into the world, all the wonderfully earth-conscious, natural choices we were going to make…While I rushed though the grocery store in fear of a crying baby, looking slovenly and in need of a nap, other moms were taking their time, toting around a napping babe, hair washed and in clean clothes. Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

It’s Sunday again! We started the day as we usually do on Sundays with pancakes & pajamas breakfast and spent the rest of the day playing. Love the weekend! Some great reads this week: Toddler Approved shares 8 Ways to Deal with Anger as a Parent. Lots of great tips, including resting, eating well and… Continue Reading

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