Author Archives: Ariadne Brill

Special Time Series: A list of 60 Activities To Do With Preschoolers and School Aged Children

Special Time Series: A list of 60 Activities To Do With Preschoolers and School Aged Children

A sure fire way to have successful special time with pre-schoolers is letting them choose the activity and lead the way.
School age children sometimes start thinking time with mom and dad is lame so keeping special time as a ritual, a weekly tradition on a set day/time possibly, is a great way to not lose this very important time together.
This list has 60 Activitiy ideas for special time with Preschoolers and School Aged children. Continue Reading

40 Special Time Activities for Infants and Toddlers

40 Special Time Activities for Infants and Toddlers

Special time is a priceless time between a parent and a child. It’s a time set aside to create and strengthen the bond that helps parents and children live and learn in harmony.Listed below are 40 activity ideas for having special time with Infants and Toddlers. Part 2 has 60 More activity ideas for Special time with preschoolers and School Aged Children: Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday #5

Sharing Sunday #5

It’s Sunday again! (I totally missed last week, the whole family was sick, glad that’s over!) Here is what I’ve been reading this week: Parenting Authoritarian parents whose child-rearing style can be summed up as “it’s my way or the highway” are more likely to raise disrespectful, delinquent children who do not see them as… Continue Reading

When Children Bite and Strike: 5 Positive Ways To Deal and Heal

When Children Bite and Strike: 5 Positive Ways To Deal and Heal

Hitting, pushing, shoving and biting are common ways for preschoolers and toddlers to deal with their emotions. Strikes and bites are often happening because something inside the child, some feeling, like a hiccup, just needs to get out. It could be frustration, upset, sadness, anxiety, fear or a mixed bowl of emotions. What can we… Continue Reading

Painted Snow Sculptures in 5 Easy Steps

Painted Snow Sculptures in 5 Easy Steps

Ever try paiting snow sculptures? This weekend we created some snow masterpieces with buckets, baking sheets, and water color. Along with having lots of fun we explored textures, temperatures, colors and shapes. Here are the 5 steps: 1. We collected snow in buckets and plastic containers. 2. Next we used water colors and a little… Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

It is sharing Sunday again, this week I am sharing some links related to preschoolers, mindfulness and finding more joy in parenting. Happy Reading! “Imagine kindness and compassion driving the way we raise our children and treat others! How would this happen? It happens when the adults in the lives of children become mindful themselves.”… Continue Reading

Toddlers making Trouble:  11 Helpful Alternatives to Timeout

Toddlers making Trouble: 11 Helpful Alternatives to Timeout

Toddlers don’t really mean to be making trouble, they spend their days trying to understand and discover their environment, their place and space in the world.
Often, it’s hard to know how to best handle the messy, sassy, yucky situations. Time outs are so popular in the toddler years, yet just placing a toddler in the corner or on a naughty chair is unlikely to prevent a re-occurance as toddlers will not really learn by pouting all alone Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday#3

Welcome to the 3rd Sharing Sunday! This week I have focused on nutrition: From the Mother Chronicle: A wonderful post about the need to normalize breastfeeding and an excellent explanation on how the language used to describe and encourgage breastfeeding professionals can make a difference. Maybe you have already heard and signed this petion to… Continue Reading

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