Author Archives: Ariadne Brill

Rain Sticks

Build your own Rain Sticks We’ve had a lot of rain so we thought we would make some rain sticks and make our very own rain shower symphonies. Older children can do this craft mostly on their own and you can help your little ones with the process of make it – the whole family… Continue Reading

Celebrating Summer Solstice

Welcome Summer – it’s official, you are here with your hot, hot fun filled days.  To celebrate your arrival we are having a Summer Solstice Celebration.  In typical “didn’t really plan ahead” style this is what I have whipped up for the day. Solstice comes from the Latin words “Sun” and “to Stop” – it… Continue Reading

Are we there yet?

Successful Family Outings One thing we often do as a family are outings, some like our trip to the shopping center last weekend was a bit of a flop, ok it was more like please don’t make me ever do that again type of an outing.  Others, like the outing to Mount Tamaro the very… Continue Reading

Paint Party

We love to paint, especially with finger-paint. Usually I just purchase ready to use non toxic children finger paints, although occasionally we make our own, then line the table with plastic covering or old newspapers and paint away.  Variations on “sit at the table and paint” are always fun and so here are some ways… Continue Reading

Rewind, Recharge, Refocus.

Rewind. Recharge, Refocus. One peaceful strategy to avoid a tantrum. Most days our house wakes up to smiles and cuddles.  Other times it all goes well until the one and only beloved “stripy” T-shirt turns out not to be dry thus throwing a wrench into one pre-schoolers’ plans. A grumpy growl face then instigates the… Continue Reading

Gone (to play) with the Wind

Windy Play…part of our summer fun series Windy days can make for some great fun – here are some of the wind projects from our 100 fun things we plan to do this summer list! Speedy Windsock A very easy project to make we have enjoyed making it each year with left over birthday decorations!… Continue Reading

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