Positive Parenting Ages & Stages

The principles of Positive Parenting can help you feel confident in your parenting journey from the birth of your child, into the toddlers years and beyond. Each age and stage will come with it’s own unique set of challenges.  To help you navigate each stage of your child’s growth, you can check our all of… Continue Reading

Making A Win-Win Parenting Plan

Making A Win-Win Parenting Plan

How to Create A Plan to Help Children Overcome Unwanted Behavior  Often parents ask me how to stop frustrating behavior. “My daughter follows me around the house and talks incessantly.” “My toddler won’t stay in his bed at night.” “My child’s tantrums are driving me crazy.” One way to think about ongoing annoying behavior is that…

The Most Helpful Parenting Articles of 2014

The Most Helpful Parenting Articles of 2014

What was the most helpful parenting article you read in 2014? I couldn’t pick just one, so…. Here is a collection of the most helpful parenting articles of  2014 from fantastic parenting writers and educators covering topics like yelling, power struggles, behavior, picky eating, marriage, divorce, anxiety, smart phones, cyberbullying, and more,  plus some of the most…

Meeting Misbehavior with Acceptance and Empathy

Meeting Misbehavior with Acceptance and Empathy

A toddler has a melt down at the store. Later, he takes a cookie without telling you and spits on the ground. A preschooler throws his toys, refuses to help with clean up and later will not brush teeth or put on pajamas. A tween shouts no, rolls her eyes and bangs the door,… Often when…

20 Calm Down Tips for Parents

20 Calm Down Tips for Parents

Have you ever had a day or a moment when you find youself far too angry to respond in a positive, calm, warm way to your child? Even if you know that yelling at your kids is not a good solution, you just feel on edge? Maybe you feel far too angry to deal peacefully…

Bringing More Calm And Connection into your Parenting

Bringing More Calm And Connection into your Parenting

In parenting, We can’t be peaceful 100% of the time. We can’t be patient 100% of the time. When we accept this, we can begin to be gentler with ourselves as parents. We can see ourselves as human and give ourselves the same level of forgiveness as we give our child. One of the most common…

How to Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling

How to Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling

Many parents I work with confess to yelling at their kids upwards of ten times a day. Parents say they do this most of all because they want their children to listen but they get zero cooperation. When promises, pleading and threats no longer work, yelling can feel like the only option. Especially if time is…

10 Things Learned from Choosing a Gentle, Positive Parenting Path

10 Things Learned from Choosing a Gentle, Positive Parenting Path

Positive Parenting means all things to all parents. It is not one size fits all. Sometimes it is referred to as gentle guidance or positive discipline. The commonalities, however, in most people’s approach to positive parenting is that it actively avoids punishment and control. Instead it leans more towards connection to cultivate cooperation, empathy and…

Dealing with the Feeling: How to Calm Your Child and Yourself

Emotionally intelligent parents raise emotionally intelligent children. And the more often you practice it, the better results you get. Making it a communication habit is key! Also, research tells us that by instilling emotional intelligence in our children, we set them up for academic success, social success, and life success. It’s every parent’s dream come true!

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Skip time out and other hurtful “discipline” techniques: Children learn right from wrong, not because they were sent to the corner alone, but because they begin to understand expectations and situations, and because they have enough information that will ultimately help them make better decisions.

20 Ways To Really See the World Through Your Child’s Eyes

20 Ways To Really See the World Through Your Child’s Eyes

How to Mindfully Recharge your Parental Empathy Bank Parenting has the potential to deplete us of all energy and form, leaving us feeling fatigued, confused, frustrated and overwhelmed. There are days when parenting can deplete us so profoundly that it becomes exceedingly difficult to see past our immediate day to day needs. During times like…

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