Positive Parenting Ages & Stages

The principles of Positive Parenting can help you feel confident in your parenting journey from the birth of your child, into the toddlers years and beyond. Each age and stage will come with it’s own unique set of challenges.  To help you navigate each stage of your child’s growth, you can check our all of… Continue Reading

Thoughts on Judgement, Guilt and Parenting

But very few of us are comfortable with the idea of being totally responsible for the safety and well-being of our children – let’s face it, it is terrifying! Nearly every parent wants his or her child to grow up safely and happily, and yet that responsibility is so weighty that it often doesn’t disappear even when your children are grown.

3 Tools for Nursing Babies Through Bottles

While typically used to describe breastfeeding, nursing is the practice of nurturing your child both physically and emotionally. And, yes, nursing absolutely can be accomplished while feeding through a bottle. You can nurse your baby through touch, trust and attention.

Maintaining Connection and Attachment Beyond Babyhood

**This is a guest post from Kelly of KellyNaturally** Attachment parenting is often associated with babies and very young children. But what happens when your baby is too big for a sling or your preschooler has weaned? Does attachment parenting have to stop? Not at all. The basis of attachment parenting is getting tuned-in to…

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

Happy Sunday! I’m packing today, taking a much awaited family vacation to see many friends after a long three years of living far away!   So for the next two weeks, I will be away hopefully soaking up some sun, recharging, creating memories and sharing a lot of  laughter with the family. I have lined up…

Reflective Listening as a Conflict Resolution Tool

** Today I am welcoming Kassandra with a guest post on a really great conflict resolution tool: Reflective Listening.** I have been at my wits end for years trying to end sibling rivalry. I don’t like it when my children fight, argue, disagree, or in any other way don’t seem to like each other. I’ve…

I Choose: A Book Review

I Choose: A Book Review

Children feel all sorts of emotions and make so many choices in any given day. Guiding  our children and talking to them about  making choices is a really important part of parenting. Recently, I had a chance to read a really nice book called I Choose. The book was a great spring board for talking…

6 Creative Ways To Help Children Deal with Anger

6 Creative Ways To Help Children Deal with Anger

The thing is, anger gets a bad reputation; it’s just not nice to be angry… Especially children are expected to not get angry, but really anger should not be ignored, forgotten or squashed deep down. Festering anger can lead to a host of difficulties like sleep problems, headaches, moodiness and low-self-esteem.

Exploring Positive Ways to Say NO to Toddlers.

**Liza from PramSandwich is here with a guest post  sharing some of the ways she has transformed saying no to her toddler into a positive experience.** Saying no to my infant is something that I struggle with. I hate having to tell him that he isn’t aloud something and then watch his face crumple as…

Positive Parenting in Action: E-book Review & Giveaway

Positive Parenting in Action: E-book Review & Giveaway

Today I am sharing a review on the E-book: Positive Parenting in Action. The book is aimed at parents of children 0-6 years. Enter to win a copy of the E-book below.  If you have ever felt a bit out of options knowing that time-outs and punishments are not really helpful in promoting learning and…

6 Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Say To Your Child

6 Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Say To Your Child

A friend recently confided in me that she was scared of saying anything nice or boosting to her child because of all the recommendations of not saying “good job” to kids these days.  In fact, she said that with all the recommendations of what not to say and what not to do, it’s become so…

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