Preschoolers 3 - 5 Years

Children between the ages of 3 and 5 need a lot of loving guidance and positive discipline. Positive Parenting keeps the focus on connection, cooperation,  learning and growing together in these early years. Why follow positive parenting principles with your preschooler? Striving to have a caring, loving and respectful relationship with your preschool child now… Continue Reading

When To Worry About Tantrums & Meltdowns in the Toddler Years

When To Worry About Tantrums & Meltdowns in the Toddler Years

Tantrums are typically the way your child releases big feelings. This can be frustration, sadness, tiredness or hunger. While sometimes avoidable, often tantrums just really happen in a blink of the eye. Your toddler can’t keep it together, whines, cries and screams for a bit. This can be a completely normal part of child development.
You can expect that most children will have a tantrum at some point, if not many, as tantrums are just expressions of overwhelm, frustration and other big emotions.

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

Quick and clever discipline hacks tend to fail or make unwanted behaviors even worse. Discover here better, more effective and developmentally appropriate ways to discipline your child. Counting methods, sticker charts, automatic timers, fuzzy pom-poms and rubber bands…good discipline? These are some of the popular recommendations for dealing with misbehavior. If you tried all the…

Get Your Toddler To Listen and Cooperate (Positive Parenting Examples)

Get Your Toddler To Listen and Cooperate (Positive Parenting Examples)

Inside: How do you discipline a child that won’t listen? Understand toddler behavior and learn positive ways to encourage cooperation. Examples of how to use positive parenting strategies to get your toddler to listen included. One very challenging task in the early years of parenting is finding ways to encourage cooperation and listening. You might find…

How and When Children Develop Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control

How and When Children Develop Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control

Developing emotional intelligence starts in early childhood. Every interaction with parents, caregivers, sibblings and friends gives your child information about their emotional world. Your parenting choices can influence your child’s emotional development. Your child’s emotional awareness and how they handle feelings can impact lifelong happiness and wellbeing.   Growing up healthy goes beyond eating a well-balanced…

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

How to discipline your child without punishments. Helping children behave better and learn from their mistakes with positive discipline is very effective. Learn how to change your child’s behavior without using punishments, yelling or bribes.  When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous.Just a moment unsupervised and something was…

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Sheltering in place can create behavior changes for the whole family. Here you can find information on what you can expect and how you can respond to these behaviors in a helpful and positive way. Quick guide on setting limits included below. With the ongoing pandemic, we are living through very are uncertain times. Routine…

How To Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums and Emotional Outbursts

How To Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums and Emotional Outbursts

When To Worry about Tantrums: Here’s a guide for understanding why tantrums happen and what really helps your child feel better and calm down.  Most children have tantrums and emotional outbursts during the toddler years. Tantrums can also happen when children are three or four years old, and even later. Unless your toddler is crying…

Using Time In instead of Time Out for Toddler Misbehavior

Using Time In instead of Time Out for Toddler Misbehavior

Time Out for Toddlers are no longer recommended.  Here is a step by step guide on how to use Time In when disciplining your child.  Your hair fell off mama. I caught it for you. That’s what I heard one morning as I was waking up. Before me, stood my 2.5 year old, scissors in one hand,…

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

Understanding why children tell lies and how to discipline in a way that fosters honesty and healthy development. “My room was full of flying dragons last night, they knocked over the books, not me!” Children often tell fibs, stretch a tale and blame mysterious creatures for misbehaviour. Lying, is actually a sign of intelligence. While…

5 Powerful Questions For Setting Limits on Your Child’s Behavior

5 Powerful Questions For Setting Limits on Your Child’s Behavior

Inside: Five questions to help you set limits instead of using punishment when your child misbehaves. “I have tried using warnings, time outs and taking my son’s toys away when he acts out, hits his sister and just overall doesn’t listen to me but it doesn’t work. I hear a lot about setting limits but I…

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