Full of encouragement, humor and how to’s and evidence based information: This ain’t your mama’s baby book. It’s The Other Baby Book.
Today, I am sharing some thoughts on The Other Baby Book written by Megan McGrory Massaro and Miriam J. Katz. The authors are both first time moms who together, embarked on a mission to empower other moms (and dads) to return to the basics of love and connection in the first year of parenting.
The Other Baby Book focuses on parenting in a natural way. The message throughout the books is so positive, one of respect and love, for the first time mother and especially for the newborn and growing baby. The book emphasizes connection, attachment and natural, baby-centered care.
The book is divided into eight chapters that are short and easy to read but packed full of useful, up to date and well researched information. The book talks about the essentials of the first year such as birth, breastfeeding, connection and infant sleep with input not just from the authors, Megan and Miriam, but from leading parenting experts such as Dr. James Mckenna, Naomi Aldort and Dr. Lawrence Cohen.
Reading the book resembles talking to good friend; a down to earth, happy to help you, knows what she’s talking about, crunchy mama kind of friend. Megan and Miriam do a great job tackling some common fears that go along with parenting in the first year as well as helping the reader find ways to assert herself and feel empowered in her choices to parent in a baby-centered way.
The book is not covering “mainstream” parenting practices: In the sleep chapter, there is fantastic information that is challenging the sleep training experts and reassuring parents that safe co-sleeping and proximity are not only OK but healthy components of parenting infants.
The book makes great reading for any expecting mom or new mom that is seeking support and information on leading a crunchier, natural, attachment and connection style parenting journey.
Here is a sneak peek from “Flow: Letting Go into Joy” Chapter:
When we expect our baby to accommodate us,
we’re in for a battle, because there’s nothing in a baby’s
nature that has prepared him to ignore his needs.
His survival instinct tells him to scream for all he’s worth, and
scream he will, until you respond, or learn to disconnect
your ears from your heart.
But don’t worry. There’s another way…
Want to read more about the value of touch, how to go about baby lead solids, the benefits of babywearing, how to handle a nursing strike and much more?
Enter to win your very own copy of The Other Baby Book!
ONE lucky reader will receive a lovely, brand new, hard copy of The Other Baby Book,provided directly by the authors.
To Enter the Giveaway:
Answer one question in the comments section: Do you parent (or plan to) by the book or more by The Other Baby Book? Why do you want to win The Other Baby Book?
Like Positive Parenting Connection on facebook.
The Nitty Gritty:
Giveaway will close on April 7th. Winner will be picked by random number generator and announced on the positive parenting connection page on facebook. I have not been paid to do this review. The authors will be sending a copy to the winning reader directly. Oh and The Other Baby Book has added a link to this fabulous most awesome postive parenting connection site on their virtual book tour webpage.
The giveaway is now closed. Winner will be announced on the positive parenting connection Facebook page.