Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: positive parenting

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

3 simple Ideas to Encourage Children to Help with Chores

Children often enjoy doing household tasks because it gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of capability. Yet, many families feel that chores lead to power struggles and are a hassle to deal with. The problem with chores very often has to do with how we parents approach the whole idea of chores… Continue Reading

The Importance of Hands-On Learning Fun

The Importance of Hands-On Learning Fun

Children love sensory play, messy science experiments, and hands-on activities. While it seems like children are “just playing” during this time, they are actually learning quite a bit. Hands on play activities are important for children to develop and practice many different skills. In this post, Mary Catherine, author of Fun-A-Day is sharing the importance of hands-on… Continue Reading

What You Can Do To Raise Responsible Children

What You Can Do To Raise Responsible Children

These little choices now, like what shirt to wear, what color shoes to buy, when to share with a friend are all opportunities that will help build confidence for when those bigger choices come around! Try to keep realistic expectations, support the falls by providing the space in which the kids can find, make & create solutions, remember to encourage and keep boundaries so they can succeed! Continue Reading

Rethinking “Do as I Say!”:  Why Giving Children Choices Matters

Rethinking “Do as I Say!”: Why Giving Children Choices Matters

The ability to have choices over our own life is at the core of our well-being.

When we give our children choices we are letting them know “I trust you and your ability to choose well”. Do we have to be smart about the choices we give our children? Absolutely! But go ahead, trust and give choices, it’s a great way to raise confident and competent children. Continue Reading

Shame Does Not Teach Children to Do Better

Shame Does Not Teach Children to Do Better

It’s beyond unfortunate to see so many people cheering on the shame and the humiliation that so many parents are freely dishing out. It’s human nature to instinctively want to fit in with others and behavior is incredibly contagious…Shame and humiliation teach shame and humiliation. On the other hand, kindness begets kindness, respect brings about respect. Continue Reading

Discipline for Young Children: 12 Alternatives to Time Outs

Discipline for Young Children: 12 Alternatives to Time Outs

Here are twelve alternatives to time outs that give parents and children a chance to address choices and situations with the intention to offer guidance while maintaining a positive, respectful and peaceful connection. These alternatives are mostly geared towards children aged 1 to 6 years but also work well beyond that too. Continue Reading