Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: Sunday reading

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

Happy Sunday,

Sharing four articles today, a range of topics from reading, crying to potty issues.

For the upcoming week, I will be posting a lovely and insightful interview with Kelly Bartlett who is a fellow Positive Discipline Parenting Educator, some ideas to enhance cooperation and how to deal with messy messy play!


From The poop wars: why Miralax is just a band-aid 

From Aha!Parenting Raise a Child Who Loves to Read

From Parenting from Scratch To Help Kids Process Emotions, Ask, “How Was That?” 

From The Guardian Should you allow your baby to cry at night – or should you give in?

If you missed it, here is the weekend challenge: Moving Beyond Perfection


Wishing you a wonderful day!

Peace & Be Well,


Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaI’m joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!

For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.

Happy Surfing!

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

It’s Sunday again! If I needed any more reasons to believe that positive and gentle discipline works,  flying with three children this past week was it.  We traveled to see the grandparents and I was so grateful that all three children did wonderfully on the flights. It’s a bit nerve wracking to juggle three kids and all… Continue Reading

Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

It is sharing Sunday again, this week I am sharing some links related to preschoolers, mindfulness and finding more joy in parenting. Happy Reading! “Imagine kindness and compassion driving the way we raise our children and treat others! How would this happen? It happens when the adults in the lives of children become mindful themselves.”… Continue Reading