If I needed any more reasons to believe that positive and gentle discipline works, flying with three children this past week was it. We traveled to see the grandparents and I was so grateful that all three children did wonderfully on the flights. It’s a bit nerve wracking to juggle three kids and all their needs at the airport, in the confines of the airplane itself..we took time for training before we left (which is an awesome positive discipline tool read more in the link) and we had a family meeting before each flight too. I was convinced before, but it’s always nice to have a reminder, that extra reassurance, that this positive parenting stuff really does work even in potentially stressful situations!
But it’s Sunday, so enough of that…here some interesting reading from the past week:
Crazy monkeys your my mind? Anxiety? Not sure that you can get everything done? Zen-mama wrote a fabulous post on How to Calm your Monkey Mind.
Babies are little Buddhas. Toddlers live in the Now. Young children are in tune with their emotions and express them fully. They do what they do not because they are trying to achieve something by this but because it is what they want to do, right now, it feels good to them – and then they watch and see what happens. Very Zen, actually. Loving Earth Mama’s Understanding babies’ Buddha nature as a key to conscious parenting is well worth the read.
Scientists have it in for television. On the surface, television seems to be a big, bad creature that corrupts youth. The reasons that people watch television can range from the helpful (learning about astronomy, recharging their energy supply) to the unhelpful (procrastinating from studying for an exam, avoiding other people because socializing is anxiety provoking). Read more from Todd B. Kashdan, Ph.D. at Psychology Today on How Much Television is Too Much? Science Weighs in…
Peace & Be Well,
I’m joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!
For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.
Happy Surfing!