Positive Parenting can help toddlers feel safe, loved, capable and cooperative.

Toddlers love to test limits and say no. Sometimes toddlers may cry a lot. For that reason, toddlers get quite the reputation for being terrible… But the toddler years don’t have to be terrible. The so called terrible two’s can be in fact quite terrific. And filled with laughter, joy and cooperation. Positive Parenting principles can help you guide your toddler to grow well and feel capable. Positive parenting principles can help you understand typical toddler behaviors.

Toddler aggression

When a young child acts aggressively it is typically a sign that she is feeling upset, scared or overwhelmed. Aggression can also be a sign your child has unmet needs.  It’s normal and very typical for toddlers and preschoolers to struggle with aggression. With help from parents, young children can learn how to express anger in more helpful ways.

Toddler defiance

Toddlers that refuse to do what you say are often labeled as toddlers having behavior problems.  The good news is that in most cases, toddler defiance is  just a sign of healthy development.  Because toddlers that like to say NO and “put their foot down” are not only developing well, they are actively exploring their emotional intelligence and understanding who they are. It’s tricky at times but with the right positive parenting tools it’s possible to invite more cooperation from your toddler.

toddler discipline

Toddler biting

Many toddlers bit instinctively because they are still developing self-control skills. These take quite a few years to develop well. A calm and consistent approach to biting helps your toddler learn to calm down and trust you to offer guidance when they need it most. Use simple and kind limits to stop the biting “You may not bite” or “biting hurts” can be helpful.

Remember that if you are dealing with aggression, tantrums or more, Toddlers thrive when they have parenting guidance that is kind and firm at the same time. Limits should always be clear and set in a loving way.

toddler parenting class

Positive Parenting For Toddlers

Find support for toddler tantrums, teaching toddlers self-care skills, how to encourage your toddler to share toys and the most positive ways to address behavior problems with your toddler.  You can also find information for creating routines, better sleep, handling toddler aggression and sibling squabbles.

Help your toddler grow well by parenting in a way that encourages capability and cooperation.

Positive Parenting Toddler Articles 

40 Special Time Activities for Infants and Toddlers

40 Special Time Activities for Infants and Toddlers

Special time is a priceless time between a parent and a child. It’s a time set aside to create and strengthen the bond that helps parents and children live and learn in harmony.Listed below are 40 activity ideas for having special time with Infants and Toddlers. Part 2 has 60 More activity ideas for Special time with preschoolers and School Aged Children:

Toddlers: Competent & Capable As They Grow

Toddlers: Competent & Capable As They Grow

Including your toddler in the process of life—be it dressing, eating, cooking, cleaning, loading in the car, doing errands—is essential for building healthy, strong relationships and self-directed, capable, confident adults.

Are Natural Consequences A Good Discipline Choice?

Are Natural Consequences A Good Discipline Choice?

  Natural Consequences are often talked about as the go-to gentle alternative to punitive actions like time-outs or removing privileges. Using natural consequences can, in fact, be an excellent parenting tool, but sometimes resorting to natural consequences may be ineffective and downright dangerous. When used properly, children can learn a lot from natural consequences, however…

Letting Calm Confidence Lead the Way

Letting Calm Confidence Lead the Way

Techniques galore. Time outs. Behavior charts. Chore charts. Get-out-the-door charts. 1, 2, 3 warnings. Homework first. Cry to sleep. Rock to sleep. Just sleep. “Eyes only” and one finger touches. Unwavering curfew. No reading until your teeth are brushed and jammies on. Be respectful or else. Consequences consequences consequences…and on and on and on. Techniques….

One Sure Way To Encourage Cooperation in Early Childhood

One Sure Way To Encourage Cooperation in Early Childhood

Inside: Positive ways for encouraging more cooperation from toddlers One very challenging task in the early years of parenting is finding ways to encourage cooperation and listening. Toddlers and pre-schoolers are notorious for saying “NO!” “I can’t” and “I don’t want to!” especially in moments when we would like to hear “yes mama!” and “OK” In…

Positive Parenting: Siblings & Teasing

Positive Parenting: Siblings & Teasing

Siblings teasing  can be a huge source of annoyance and conflict for the whole family.  If you find yourself wishing the teasing would just go away here are some tried and true ideas for reducing  teasing between siblings: 1. Be wary of choosing sides:  Even if you know which sibling started the teasing, pointing it…

Giant List of Self-Care Skills for Babies,Toddlers and Preschoolers

Giant List of Self-Care Skills for Babies,Toddlers and Preschoolers

Self Care Skills By Age (Babies, Toddlers and Preschool Children) Giving children a chance to practice self care skills is a very important part of growth and development. The time and effort you invest into encouraging self care is a sure way to help your child feel capable. Learning to get dressed, brushing teeth and…

Positive Parenting Tips for Easing Daily Transitions with Your Toddler

Positive Parenting Tips for Easing Daily Transitions with Your Toddler

Inside: How to Help Your Toddler Transition Well From One Activity to the Next without Tantrums It was time to close up playgroup, a classic toddler transition time that often ends up with one or more children crying. On this day it was no different. A little boy sat on a mini blue trike, holding…

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

Understanding why children tell lies and how to discipline in a way that fosters honesty and healthy development. “My room was full of flying dragons last night, they knocked over the books, not me!” Children often tell fibs, stretch a tale and blame mysterious creatures for misbehaviour. Lying, is actually a sign of intelligence. While…

Books & Play: Enhancing Reading Comprehension In a Fun Way.

Books & Play: Enhancing Reading Comprehension In a Fun Way.

Welcome to the March Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival: Discovering through Books This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival hosted by The Positive Parenting Connection and Authentic Parenting. This month our participants have investigated what role books have played in their lives. Please read to the end to find a…

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