Positive Parenting can help toddlers feel safe, loved, capable and cooperative. Toddlers love to test limits and say no. Sometimes toddlers may cry a lot. For that reason, toddlers get quite the reputation for being terrible… But the toddler years don’t have to be terrible. The so called terrible two’s can be in fact quite terrific.… Continue Reading

Not Now, I’m Busy! Remembering The Gift of Presence

Not Now, I’m Busy! Remembering The Gift of Presence

As parents, we are continuously looking at whatʼs best for our children. How often have you found yourself saying, “Not now, Iʼm busy,” “Yes, Iʼm listening,” “Let me just do one more thing,” “Just a minute…maybe later…Iʼll be right back.” Are these familiar to you? What message are we giving our children when in so many of our interactions with them our attention is divided?

Are Natural Consequences A Good Discipline Choice?

Are Natural Consequences A Good Discipline Choice?

  Natural Consequences are often talked about as the go-to gentle alternative to punitive actions like time-outs or removing privileges. Using natural consequences can, in fact, be an excellent parenting tool, but sometimes resorting to natural consequences may be ineffective and downright dangerous. When used properly, children can learn a lot from natural consequences, however…

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

These Six Positive Parenting strategies can help you respond to your child when they are behaving in defiant, disrespectful or unhelpful ways. Children often act out when they are lost, fearful and in need of guidance. A child that is being defiant needs to reconnect with you and find his way back to calm. And until…

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Skip time out and other hurtful “discipline” techniques: Children learn right from wrong, not because they were sent to the corner alone, but because they begin to understand expectations and situations, and because they have enough information that will ultimately help them make better decisions.

Beyond Obedience: The Importance of Fostering Cooperation at Home

Beyond Obedience: The Importance of Fostering Cooperation at Home

Getting children to cooperate and listen is probably the most shared concern I hear from parents. Similar themes repeat themselves, over and over.
“How do I get my kids to do their homework?”
“How do I get my kids to listen to me? I’m so tired of yelling…for nothing…it makes no difference!”
Our job as parents can be tough as the balancing act of encouraging cooperation positively and needing to get things done unfolds each day. Let’s be honest, what we want and what our children want are often out of synch. It’s easy, alright, a lot easier when everyone is smiling, cooperating and listening. Fostering cooperation reduces the need to yell, nag and demand.

Help! My Tot Will Not Let Me Brush Her Teeth!

Help! My Tot Will Not Let Me Brush Her Teeth!

Welcome to the April 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Kids and Personal Care Does your toddler like or dislike brushing teeth? This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared stories, tips, and struggles relating to their…

Ten Parenting Practices That Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Ten Parenting Practices That Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Inside: Children with positive self-esteem recognize their abilities and feel proud about what they are able to. You can actively help build your child’s self-esteem by fostering connection, being encouraging and welcoming mistakes. After jumping down from a  tree at the park my son stood up, did a little victory dance and then ran off…

Helping Your Child Through Disappointment

Helping Your Child Through Disappointment

Disappointment can be like a tidal wave of emotions for your kids. Image this scenario: The van is packed, and you’re about ready to head out the door. Suddenly, you hear thunder in the distance. No! It can’t be! You checked the weather, and it wasn’t supposed to rain for a few more hours. But minutes…

Positive Parenting: Siblings & Teasing

Positive Parenting: Siblings & Teasing

Siblings teasing  can be a huge source of annoyance and conflict for the whole family.  If you find yourself wishing the teasing would just go away here are some tried and true ideas for reducing  teasing between siblings: 1. Be wary of choosing sides:  Even if you know which sibling started the teasing, pointing it…

Why Skipping a Nap Results in Meltdown

Why Skipping a Nap Results in Meltdown

Over time, as a baby’s sleep cycle matures he will be able to go longer periods between sleeps. It is not until age 4 or 5 that a child is able to go happily through the entire day without a nap, and sleep research suggests that even through adulthood a mid-day nap or rest break is extremely beneficial in reducing the pressure in all human beings.

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