Positive Parenting can help toddlers feel safe, loved, capable and cooperative. Toddlers love to test limits and say no. Sometimes toddlers may cry a lot. For that reason, toddlers get quite the reputation for being terrible… But the toddler years don’t have to be terrible. The so called terrible two’s can be in fact quite terrific.… Continue Reading

Why Children Misbehave Again and Again – And How to Stop It without Yelling

Why Children Misbehave Again and Again – And How to Stop It without Yelling

Inside: Why young children misbehave even when you tell them not to do something. Learn what you can do to discipline in a positive way that helps children behave better. It was mid morning at playgroup and tension was rising between Theo and his mother. There was a phone,  perfectly placed on the edge of…

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Sheltering in place can create behavior changes for the whole family. Here you can find information on what you can expect and how you can respond to these behaviors in a helpful and positive way. Quick guide on setting limits included below. With the ongoing pandemic, we are living through very are uncertain times. Routine…

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Skip time out and other hurtful “discipline” techniques: Children learn right from wrong, not because they were sent to the corner alone, but because they begin to understand expectations and situations, and because they have enough information that will ultimately help them make better decisions.

How To Transform Criticism And Bring Out the Best in Your Child

How To Transform Criticism And Bring Out the Best in Your Child

The best praise is focused on your child’s effort, not your child’s traits. The same is true of criticism. In one study by Columbia University researchers, kindergarteners were given a scenario: a teacher asks them to create a house out of Legos, and they forget to put in windows. Then the teacher and child role-play…

Using Empathy to Connect with Your Kids

Using Empathy to Connect with Your Kids

Positive parenting educators and mental health therapists talk a lot about empathy. When when parents want to know how to respond when their kids are angry or anxious, I suggest responding with empathy first. I tell parents to think of empathy as “finding the feeling” in what their child is saying or experiencing. If your…

How to move your child from “I can’t” to “I’m capable”

How to move your child from “I can’t” to “I’m capable”

The “I can’t” stage is a tough one. Parents often feel torn about how to handle these two words. Some parents feel that they should step right in and help because it is their parental duty. Others feel that those two words are unacceptable and that their child must at least “try.” The optimal way to…

Toddlers: Competent & Capable As They Grow

Toddlers: Competent & Capable As They Grow

Including your toddler in the process of life—be it dressing, eating, cooking, cleaning, loading in the car, doing errands—is essential for building healthy, strong relationships and self-directed, capable, confident adults.

Encouraging Children to Listen: 3 Steps to Avoid Yelling

Encouraging Children to Listen: 3 Steps to Avoid Yelling

When children don’t listen, being calm and confident can take extra effort, but really it is the key to getting kids to listen. To encourage children to listen more, and stop yelling you can try these three steps.

Independent Play: Using Play Invitations To Encourage Imagination and Learning

Independent Play: Using Play Invitations To Encourage Imagination and Learning

Independent play helps children feel confident, builds a sense of capability, concentration skills and creates many opportunities for discovery and learning. While children do not need intricate and overly elaborate toys or play opportunities to develop well, offering diverse play materials and new opportunities is a great way to help children enjoy their independent playtime….

Learning Life Skills: List of Household Tasks for Different Ages and Stages

Learning Life Skills: List of Household Tasks for Different Ages and Stages

Wondering what jobs your child can do around the house? With a little bit of help, children can do just about any task around the house and as they grow they can become more and more capable of carrying out these taks independently. Having children help with just one to three tasks is a great way to get started.

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