Alternatives to Punishment Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Positive Parenting Connection
How to correct your child’s ‘bad’ behaviour with positive parenting

How to correct your child’s ‘bad’ behaviour with positive parenting

Remind your child that you are their ally, you are on their side. Even when you are saying no or stopping unhelpful behaviours – show how much you care. When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous. Just a moment unsupervised and something was likely to get opened, spilled…

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

Quick and clever discipline hacks tend to fail or make unwanted behaviors even worse. Discover here better, more effective and developmentally appropriate ways to discipline your child. Counting methods, sticker charts, automatic timers, fuzzy pom-poms and rubber bands…good discipline? These are some of the popular recommendations for dealing with misbehavior. If you tried all the…

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

How to discipline your child without punishments. Helping children behave better and learn from their mistakes with positive discipline is very effective. Learn how to change your child’s behavior without using punishments, yelling or bribes.  When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous.Just a moment unsupervised and something was…

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Behavior Changes you Can Expect to see in your Child as you Shelter In Place

Sheltering in place can create behavior changes for the whole family. Here you can find information on what you can expect and how you can respond to these behaviors in a helpful and positive way. Quick guide on setting limits included below. With the ongoing pandemic, we are living through very are uncertain times. Routine…

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Changing misbehavior with consequences doesn’t always lead to good behavior. Learn about positive discipline and how it helps children learn life skills and behave well. Late in the afternoon, on the way home from school, my son took hold of my hand and started talking softly. He spoke so quietly, I could tell something unusual…

How to Reduce Attention Seeking Behavior In a Positive Way

How to Reduce Attention Seeking Behavior In a Positive Way

 Attention Seeking is very normal behavior for young children. With positive discipline you can help your child behave better without acting out.  Children often seek attention in mistaken ways. When you offer guidance, you can help your child feel connected, understood and ready to make better choices. As children grow they become very skilled at…

Toddler Misbehavior and Defiance Improves with Positive Discipline

Toddler Misbehavior and Defiance Improves with Positive Discipline

Inside: Defiance and misbehavior in the toddler years is very normal. Positive discipline makes it easier for you to stop unwanted behaviors and guide your toddler to behave in better ways.  Your misbehaving toddler might be giving you a headache or a hard time, but rest assured that toddler defiance is very normal.  Toddler defiance…

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

How to Discipline when your Child Tells Tall-Tales, Fibs and Lies

Understanding why children tell lies and how to discipline in a way that fosters honesty and healthy development. “My room was full of flying dragons last night, they knocked over the books, not me!” Children often tell fibs, stretch a tale and blame mysterious creatures for misbehaviour. Lying, is actually a sign of intelligence. While…

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Discipline for Children: Three effective ways to stay patient and talk so your child will listen and cooperate. Discipline for children is most effective when it’s aimed at creating cooperation and a sense of trust and respect. When parents focus on using discipline strategies that are respectful and positive, children thrive and grow well. One…

Three Alternatives to Punishment That Help Your Child Do Better

Three Alternatives to Punishment That Help Your Child Do Better

Inside: Discover alternatives to punishment that help your child do better when they are misbehaving. When children are misbehaving, like using back talk, hitting a sibling or refusing to go to bed it might feel challenging to address the situation without resorting to punishments like time out, yelling or grounding. Children benefit from discipline and…

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