Cooperation Begins with Trust

Category Archives: Play and Learning

Children learn so much through play. Find ideas for connecting and bonding with your child. Playful activities, independent play, learning activities. Playful parenting solutions. Learning game.

vrooooom…car painting

I find this to be a fun activity for a rainy day. I Line a table with an old shower curtain or table cloth or lots of newspapers. Then lay out long sheets of paper or many smaller sheets of paper tapped together. I Place different colored paints on paper plates. Then place one or… Continue Reading

Pretend Play and Ice Skating

We Tried out a new activity idea today –  “ice” skating indoors. Skates: Wax Paper, Paper Plates, Baking paper. (We tried them all and the best glide was from the wax paper, although the plates stayed under small feet the best) Ice Rink: We moved the coffee table and rolled away the area rug then… Continue Reading

Just Ducky.

For the month of January we are doing a duck theme.  Check our other themes on the book club page. Book Make Way for the Ducklings by Robert McCloskey Art Feather Duckies Materials: Construction paper or colored paper. Feathers, googly eyes, glue. Cut out a duck silhouette in Yellow, White or Brown paper. Glue onto… Continue Reading

Cotton Ball SnowPeople

Here is a project that we love making  – usually on a snowy day. Materials: Construction Paper (Blue or any color really) Cotton Balls, Pencil. orange, black paper for details (or white paper and crayons), crafting pompoms or buttons.  Any round bowls or small plate.  Glue stick or Glue. 1. On a sheet of paper,… Continue Reading

Salt Dough

Here is a recipe for classic salt dough ornaments. Children can help with measuring, pouring and mixing and kneading dough. This can get sticky and messy so have some warm water and paper towel close by. Utensils Measuring cup, Large Bowl, paper towels and/or wet wipes, cookie cutters, baking sheets, baking paper (or floured surface),… Continue Reading