Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: children

Positive Parenting: Why Keeping Our Limits When Children Become Upset is Important

Positive Parenting: Why Keeping Our Limits When Children Become Upset is Important

When we let go of punitive parenting and authority over the child style of parenting, setting a limit with kindness and consistency and then actually holding it may at first feel similar to punishing or being authoritarian. With time and practice though, it is possible to be confident, calm and consistent in a way that conveys that the limits are about creating safety, building trust and guidance. Continue Reading

Positive Parenting: Rethinking “You Have To Share That!”

Positive Parenting: Rethinking “You Have To Share That!”

Sharing requires understanding of another person’s feelings and desires. Sharing is about being creative with another as you use something together, it is about being compassionate and giving, it is about being respectful. How do our young one’s grow into the sharing mode? By our understanding of THEIR feelings and desires, our compassion, our giving, our being respectful of them. It also begins with complete ownership over something. Continue Reading

Why Skipping a Nap Results in Meltdown

Why Skipping a Nap Results in Meltdown

Over time, as a baby’s sleep cycle matures he will be able to go longer periods between sleeps. It is not until age 4 or 5 that a child is able to go happily through the entire day without a nap, and sleep research suggests that even through adulthood a mid-day nap or rest break is extremely beneficial in reducing the pressure in all human beings. Continue Reading

The Words to Say When Children are Disappointed

The Words to Say When Children are Disappointed

Finding the right words when children are disappointed  isn’t always easy. I’ve learned over the years that although it is hard to see our children feeling upset,  distracting, reasoning, lecturing or otherwise trying to fix their feelings usually just backfires.  So how do we find the right words to say when children are disappointed? The words that express… Continue Reading

Parenting: What Triggers your Anger?

Parenting: What Triggers your Anger?

Family life is complicated and unpredictable. Day-to-day expectations and responsibilities can create angry emotions in both parents and children. No matter how skilled you are at parenting, no matter how wonderful your children are, you cannot eliminate or avoid the unpleasant situations that occur in all families. However, once you understand where the anger comes from you can modify the situation and learn ways to control your reactions, so that anger can occupy a smaller place in your home. Continue Reading

Beyond Obedience: The Importance of Fostering Cooperation at Home

Beyond Obedience: The Importance of Fostering Cooperation at Home

Getting children to cooperate and listen is probably the most shared concern I hear from parents. Similar themes repeat themselves, over and over.
“How do I get my kids to do their homework?”
“How do I get my kids to listen to me? I’m so tired of yelling…for nothing…it makes no difference!”
Our job as parents can be tough as the balancing act of encouraging cooperation positively and needing to get things done unfolds each day. Let’s be honest, what we want and what our children want are often out of synch. It’s easy, alright, a lot easier when everyone is smiling, cooperating and listening. Fostering cooperation reduces the need to yell, nag and demand. Continue Reading

Independent Play: Using Play Invitations To Encourage Imagination and Learning

Independent Play: Using Play Invitations To Encourage Imagination and Learning

Independent play helps children feel confident, builds a sense of capability, concentration skills and creates many opportunities for discovery and learning. While children do not need intricate and overly elaborate toys or play opportunities to develop well, offering diverse play materials and new opportunities is a great way to help children enjoy their independent playtime.… Continue Reading

Rivalry to Harmony: Promoting Peace Among Siblings (Part 1)

Rivalry to Harmony: Promoting Peace Among Siblings (Part 1)

Sharing, holding hands, helping tie shoes, siblings can share a lifelong bond of trust, love and friendship. They can also have many fights, brawls and squabbles. Recent studies on sibling relationships seem to show a pattern relating to sibling relationships and parental affection, attachment and attention. Children that reported having to fight for parental attention and being… Continue Reading