Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: positive parenting

Weekend Challenge: Making Mistakes

Weekend Challenge: Making Mistakes

For parents and children alike mistakes are wonderful opportunities for reflection and learning. Sometimes as parents we make a mistake, like yelling because we lose patience or speak faster than we really should and say the wrong thing,  perhaps we react negatively before thinking through to alternatives. What are these mistakes telling us about where… Continue Reading

Special Time Series: A list of 60 Activities To Do With Preschoolers and School Aged Children

Special Time Series: A list of 60 Activities To Do With Preschoolers and School Aged Children

A sure fire way to have successful special time with pre-schoolers is letting them choose the activity and lead the way.
School age children sometimes start thinking time with mom and dad is lame so keeping special time as a ritual, a weekly tradition on a set day/time possibly, is a great way to not lose this very important time together.
This list has 60 Activitiy ideas for special time with Preschoolers and School Aged children. Continue Reading