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Cooperation Begins with Trust

Category Archives: Parenting

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How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

How To Use Brainstorming To Encourage Your Child To Cooperate

When done well, brainstorming can create an atmosphere of cooperation in your home. It teaches kids to think critically about problems, consider the thoughts and feelings of others, and to explore a variety of solutions. Even at a young age, kids can create fantastic solutions to everyday problems and challenges if we give them the… Continue Reading

Helping your Child through Change or Difficult Transitions

Helping your Child through Change or Difficult Transitions

Moving house, starting a new school, the birth of a sibling or any other changes and transitions can be very challenging for some children. Change can bring on tears, fears, anxiety, worry and even “misbehaviors” or “acting out.” While parents often see the importance of helping their children through big transitions, such as the birth of a… Continue Reading

What To Do When Your Discipline Strategy Stops Working

What To Do When Your Discipline Strategy Stops Working

I’ve tried it all! I’ve done gold star rewards. I have tried fun prizes as bribes. We’ve done fun fuzzy pom-pom jars. And lots of yelling. Begging. Taking away screens, sweets and toys. Everything works for about two days. if I’m lucky a week.  And then we are back to square one. I’m tired. And my kids… Continue Reading

Talking To Children About Tragic News Stories

Talking To Children About Tragic News Stories

Tragedies and difficult moments are tough to understand for children and for us adults. Watching our children be upset, fearful or confused is not easy at all. We can’t undo what happened, we cannot keep our children from feeling upset but we can be supportive and loving and open to all the questions, and grateful, very grateful for every day we have together with our wonderful children, friends and family. Keep striving to be kind, positive and compassionate. Here are some ideas to help your family cope with difficult events: Continue Reading

Advocating for Your Child When They Don’t Like School

Advocating for Your Child When They Don’t Like School

You are your child’s best advocate. I’m frustrated and sad for my daughter. Recently, when asked what she liked best about school she thought for a moment and replied, “Nothing, really.” That’s right, nothing. Not even lunch or recess. Nothing. Mondays are the worst. She always complains of a stomachache and sore throat. Most of… Continue Reading

Are You Responsible For or To Your Children

Are You Responsible For or To Your Children

You are not responsible for your children. Stay with me, here. I know this raises a few eyebrows! All that I’m about to share comes from my growth through reading and presenting (and practicing!) what I consider to be one of the most brilliant parenting books of all time–ScreamFree Parenting by Hal Runkel. If you… Continue Reading

Positive Parenting: What To Do When Your Child Lies To You

Positive Parenting: What To Do When Your Child Lies To You

When children lie, taking a break to cool off before addressing the situation can help you first find the emotional space and the right tools to move forward. An effective way to deal with lies is to remember the TRUTH: Traps, Respect, Understanding, Time Off and Honesty. Read on to find out more… Continue Reading

One of the Best Tools for Ending Morning Struggles

One of the Best Tools for Ending Morning Struggles

Is morning time turning out to be a tough transition for you and your child? Are power struggles leading to hectic and rushed mornings? Many of the parents I work with say that either getting out the door in the morning or putting the kids to bed at night is their most stressful time. Whether it’s due… Continue Reading

Step Into Your Child’s Shoes To Stop Defiance

Step Into Your Child’s Shoes To Stop Defiance

For many families it’s back to school time. And while it’s an exciting and happy time, back to school can also quickly bring on emotionally charged moments. There may be more rushing around, more worry and added stress. This can all fuel a sense of disconnection. And with it,you may notice more unwantted and unecessary behaviors. Behaviors such… Continue Reading

Three Positive Discipline Solutions For Demanding Behaviors

Three Positive Discipline Solutions For Demanding Behaviors

Underneath tantrums, entitled “me, mine, give me more” demands, back talking and power struggles is more than just your child being a brat. These unhelpful behaviors are actually messages from your child. What is motivating unhelpful behaviors can reveal what your child is feeling, thinking and deciding. In positive discipline, these unhelpful behaviors are thought… Continue Reading