Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: children

Advocating for Your Child When They Don’t Like School

Advocating for Your Child When They Don’t Like School

You are your child’s best advocate. I’m frustrated and sad for my daughter. Recently, when asked what she liked best about school she thought for a moment and replied, “Nothing, really.” That’s right, nothing. Not even lunch or recess. Nothing. Mondays are the worst. She always complains of a stomachache and sore throat. Most of… Continue Reading

Are You Responsible For or To Your Children

Are You Responsible For or To Your Children

You are not responsible for your children. Stay with me, here. I know this raises a few eyebrows! All that I’m about to share comes from my growth through reading and presenting (and practicing!) what I consider to be one of the most brilliant parenting books of all time–ScreamFree Parenting by Hal Runkel. If you… Continue Reading

One of the Best Tools for Ending Morning Struggles

One of the Best Tools for Ending Morning Struggles

Is morning time turning out to be a tough transition for you and your child? Are power struggles leading to hectic and rushed mornings? Many of the parents I work with say that either getting out the door in the morning or putting the kids to bed at night is their most stressful time. Whether it’s due… Continue Reading

Step Into Your Child’s Shoes To Stop Defiance

Step Into Your Child’s Shoes To Stop Defiance

For many families it’s back to school time. And while it’s an exciting and happy time, back to school can also quickly bring on emotionally charged moments. There may be more rushing around, more worry and added stress. This can all fuel a sense of disconnection. And with it,you may notice more unwantted and unecessary behaviors. Behaviors such… Continue Reading

Three Positive Discipline Solutions For Demanding Behaviors

Three Positive Discipline Solutions For Demanding Behaviors

Underneath tantrums, entitled “me, mine, give me more” demands, back talking and power struggles is more than just your child being a brat. These unhelpful behaviors are actually messages from your child. What is motivating unhelpful behaviors can reveal what your child is feeling, thinking and deciding. In positive discipline, these unhelpful behaviors are thought… Continue Reading

Positive Parenting: Punishing Misbehavior Doesn’t Have to be the Answer

Positive Parenting: Punishing Misbehavior Doesn’t Have to be the Answer

One morning my four year old daughter and I were getting ready to leave the house when she suddenly yelled “Idiot!” Right at me. As I processed the word, I saw my little girl’s cheeks flush. Tears streamed down her face as she half whispered – half yelled “you are an IDIOT Mama.” Total silence… Continue Reading

A Positive Parent’s Guide to Introducing a New Baby to Your Toddler

A Positive Parent’s Guide to Introducing a New Baby to Your Toddler

It’s something you’ve been looking forward to with a lot of excitement. And yes, an equal amount of anxiety. Introducing your new baby to your toddler. You know from experience that the first few months of having a baby are the hardest. And yet,  you are committed to not neglect your older child in the… Continue Reading

Using Empathy to Connect with Your Kids

Using Empathy to Connect with Your Kids

Positive parenting educators and mental health therapists talk a lot about empathy. When when parents want to know how to respond when their kids are angry or anxious, I suggest responding with empathy first. I tell parents to think of empathy as “finding the feeling” in what their child is saying or experiencing. If your… Continue Reading

How To Set Limits on Your Child’s Behavior in a Positive and Respectful Way

How To Set Limits on Your Child’s Behavior in a Positive and Respectful Way

Positive Parenting essentials for setting limits on your child’s behavior The other morning at playgroup, a little boy kept running up to his mom and punching her. It was a light, somewhat playful punch. Repeated over and over again it seemed quite annoying too. All this mom really wanted, was to have a conversation with a friend. You’ve been… Continue Reading

Seven Essential Steps to Help Your Child Manage Unhelpful Habits Like Chewing, Nail Biting and Nose Picking

Seven Essential Steps to Help Your Child Manage Unhelpful Habits Like Chewing, Nail Biting and Nose Picking

  Does your child fidget with everything, chew on their shirt sleeves, bite their nails, make noises with their mouth? It is challenging to know how to address these problems without making your child feel embarrassed or defensive about their behavior. My daughter is a chewer. She chews on everything — shirt sleeves, blankets, markers,… Continue Reading