Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: positive parenting

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman In this Parents S.H.A.R.E. post, our positive parenting community is sharing how they have used play as a parenting tool when faced with a variety of challenges during the morning and evening routines, from races to singing silly songs here are many fun ideas!! Continue Reading

8 Ideas for Creating A Peaceful Bed Time Routine for Young Children & Giveaway

Healthy sleep habits are such an important and vital part of healthy development for children, yet for many families, the bed time routine is a huge hassle. When children resist going to sleep, refuse to brush teeth, have a sudden inability to put on pajamas and start whining “I just can’t do it” and “I’m not going to sleep” it’s hard to stay calm. Here are 8 Ideas that may be helpful towards creating a more peaceful bed time routine for young children. Continue Reading

Fill Your Child’s Tool Box with Empathy and Compassion

Fill Your Child’s Tool Box with Empathy and Compassion

Compassion is internally driven. Compassion should be the motivating factor in treating others well, in getting along, in working together. Our goal is not to get our children to blindly obey, but to help them to appreciate for themselves, the benefits of striving to share their world peacefully. Continue Reading

Flexibility: Building Block #8 for Positive Parenting

Flexibility: Building Block #8 for Positive Parenting

Consistency sometimes turns into rigidity and control.Will there be times when consistency is important? Absolutely, but being flexible does not take away your ability to be consistent. Positive parenting is flexible and amazing because you can be flexible and consistent. You can be consistently open to new ideas and re-evaluation, consistently kind, mindful and committed to parenting well! Continue Reading

Kindness: Building Block #7 for Positive Parenting

when we are kind and others are kind to us, it has the power to create happiness! When our children experience kindness, in our requests, in our actions and intentions, our world together can become a brighter and happier experience. Children will listen and cooperate because our requests are sincere, understandable and our expectations are fair and presented in a considerate way. Continue Reading