Cooperation Begins with Trust

Category Archives: Parenting

parenting, parenting help, parenting solutions, behavior problems, parenting education, discipline,

Helping Children Learn To Overcome Frustration & Failures

Helping Children Learn To Overcome Frustration & Failures

Trust that your child is capable of doing things, solving problems and overcoming his feelings. This doesn’t mean we cannot be helpful, encouraging or be a supportive presence but it does mean it’s alright to let them go ahead and feel their feelings and do things on their own keeping in mind what is age appropriate and safe. Continue Reading

What Makes a Consequence Logical?

As a general rule of thumb, if you have to think too hard about what to do to a child so that he learns a lesson, the logical consequence is most likely a punishment in disguise. To ensure that logical consequences don’t become punitive, first try to figure out what the natural consequence is. We can do this by taking ourselves out of the situation. “What would happen if I stepped out of this and let my child handle this problem?” Continue Reading

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

10 Playful Solutions For Morning & Evening Routines : Parents S.H.A.R.E

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman In this Parents S.H.A.R.E. post, our positive parenting community is sharing how they have used play as a parenting tool when faced with a variety of challenges during the morning and evening routines, from races to singing silly songs here are many fun ideas!! Continue Reading

8 Ideas for Creating A Peaceful Bed Time Routine for Young Children & Giveaway

Healthy sleep habits are such an important and vital part of healthy development for children, yet for many families, the bed time routine is a huge hassle. When children resist going to sleep, refuse to brush teeth, have a sudden inability to put on pajamas and start whining “I just can’t do it” and “I’m not going to sleep” it’s hard to stay calm. Here are 8 Ideas that may be helpful towards creating a more peaceful bed time routine for young children. Continue Reading